Criminalizing Rights and Policing Futures

In this piece, Arpitha Kodiveri reviews Wildlife Policing: The Reign of Criminalization in the Forests of Madhya Pradesh released by the CPAP drawing upon her work as a legal researcher on forest laws. She focuses on the need to prioritise rights of forest-dwelling communities over the policing of futures and deepening marginalization. The post CriminalizingContinue reading “Criminalizing Rights and Policing Futures”

Call for Applications for Job Opportunities at Centre for Communication Governance

The Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi has published the call for applications for below mentioned four positions:   1. Call for Applications for Administrative and Financial Assistant 2. Call for Applications for Community and Engagement and Strategic Development 3. Call for Applications – Researchers 4. Call for Applications for Program/Project Officer/AssociateContinue reading “Call for Applications for Job Opportunities at Centre for Communication Governance”

Uncovering the Past: A Review of ‘Fifteen Judgments: Cases that Shaped India’s Financial Landscape’ by Saurabh Kirpal

In this review, Talha Abdul Rahman presents a compelling case for legal professionals, scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the history of India’s financial landscape and how the laws they shape society to read Saurabh Kirpal’s book ”Fifteen Judgments: Cases that Shaped India’s Financial Landscape’. The post Uncovering the Past: A Review of ‘Fifteen Judgments:Continue reading “Uncovering the Past: A Review of ‘Fifteen Judgments: Cases that Shaped India’s Financial Landscape’ by Saurabh Kirpal”

The Court and Constitution Conference 2023 – Concept Note

The Courts and The Constitution Conference envisages furthering engagement and scholarship on public law by undertaking review of the major constitutional law developments in and outside Courts, taking place in India. The Conference will be held on the NALSAR campus on 11th and 12th March, 2023. The post The Court and Constitution Conference 2023 –Continue reading “The Court and Constitution Conference 2023 – Concept Note”

Contested Nation: a podcast by the Equals Project

Contested Nation is a podcast that explores the Constituent Assembly Debates and their continuing relevance for India today.  This podcast explores both, the questions of identity that were being discussed in the Assembly, and the Union that was being forged outside its hallowed halls. The post Contested Nation: a podcast by the Equals Project appeared first onContinue reading “Contested Nation: a podcast by the Equals Project”

Call for Submissions: Law and Other Things

About Law and Other Things Started in 2005, Law and Other Things (LAOT) is India’s first public law blog devoted to fostering discussion on India’s legal system, its Courts, and its Constitution. Through the publication of analytical and explainer pieces as well as through its recent Podcast Series, the blog aims to promote scholarship on constitutionalism, generalContinue reading “Call for Submissions: Law and Other Things”

The Interpretative Scope of Article 17: Chandrachud, J. Breaking the Trend in Sabarimala: Part II

In this two-part series, the author analyzes Justice D.Y. Chandrachud’s reasoning while tackling the challenge of Article 17 in the Sabarimala Temple Entry Case (“Sabarimala”). Chandrachud J. took a distinct approach by expanding the scope of Article 17 to include the notions of ‘Purity -Pollution’. Part II critiques an expansive interpretation of Article 17 usingContinue reading “The Interpretative Scope of Article 17: Chandrachud, J. Breaking the Trend in Sabarimala: Part II”

The Interpretative Scope of Article 17: Chandrachud, J. Breaking the Trend in Sabarimala: Part I

In this two-part series, the author analyzes Justice D.Y. Chandrachud’s reasoning while tackling the challenge of Article 17 in the Sabarimala Temple Entry Case (“Sabarimala”). Chandrachud J. took a distinct approach by expanding the scope of Article 17 to include the notions of ‘Purity -Pollution’. Part I engages with Chandrachud J.’s interpretation of Article 17Continue reading “The Interpretative Scope of Article 17: Chandrachud, J. Breaking the Trend in Sabarimala: Part I”