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NALSAR Publications

The NALSAR Student Law Review (NSLR) is the flagship publication of NALSAR University of Law, India. It began publication in 2005 as a student-run organization and has published thirteen volumes since then. NSLR is an annual, student-edited, peer-reviewed law review which serves a medium of expression for multi-disciplinary writing.
In order to actively contribute to the intellectual climate of the country apart from carrying out its role as an instrument of academic research, NSLR hosted the first symposium on the theme “Law & Public Health” in February 2019. The symposium saw the participation of industry professionals, academicians, and practitioners. The proceedings of the symposium have been published as a separate issue as Volume 13(2).

The Tech Law Forum aims, essentially, to provide an open platform for opinions, comments, and responses, from students – a platform for discussions and debates on all issues relating to Technology Law, with a specific but not limited focus on India. We chose the Forum’s existing format due to the constantly evolving nature of technological advances, and the necessarily immediate, or even better, proactive, nature of responses to such developments.
The Forum aims to serve as a place for students, academicians and practitioners from the fields of technology and law, both, to discuss relevant issues. At the same time, the Forum also aims to provide a ready commentary on recent developments in the field from its own Editors and to link readers to other interesting resources and articles.

The NALSAR Public Policy Group (PPG) was envisioned by a few students of the college in 2015 to kindle the interest of students in the field of public policy of governance. It is primarily a lecture series, as part of outreach efforts to generate awareness among the student community, the PPG has held talks and lectures by eminent personalities in the field of public policy.
Some of the personalities that the PPG has hosted so far include Ms. Usha Ramanathan, Mr. Shiv Shankar Menon, Mr. Yogendra Yadav, Mr. Shashi Tharoor, Mr. Yashwant Sinha, Mr. Swapan Dasgupta, Mr. Varun Gandhi, Mrs. Seema Chisti, Mr. Arun Shourie, Ms. Maneka Gandhi, Mr. P Sainath, Ms. Brinda Karat, Mr. Aman Wadud, Mr. J Sai Deepak, Mr. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Ms. Aitishi Marlena, Mr. SY Qureshi and the like.

The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law (IJCL) is a flagship journal published annually by NALSAR University of Law with a focus on core and comparative constitutional law. The journal is published under the aegis of both the MK Nambyar SAARCLAW Chair in Comparative Constitutional Studies, and the Constitutional Law Society at NALSAR University. The journal is student edited and peer reviewed.
IJCL aims to be at the forefront of constitutional law scholarship in India, as a source of well thought out and well researched scholarship. We welcome contributions from academicians, practitioners and students alike.
The Journal enjoys patronage from Prof. Faizan Mustafa and Attorney General KK Venugopal, with the advisory board comprising luminaries such as MP Singh, Upendra Baxi, PP Craig, SL Deshpande, Marc Galanter, among others. It has a diverse base of peer-reviewers, which can be accessed on the website. ISSN: 0975-0134

The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law (IJIPL) is the flagship intellectual property law journal of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. IJIPL is India’s first student run journal that is wholly devoted to the study of intellectual property law running for the past 10 years. Published annually, it is the combined endeavour of NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and the N.C. Banerjee Centre for Intellectual Property Rights Studies to address contemporary issues in the field of intellectual property law.
Their call for papers can be found below:

OutsightX was developed with the vision to make business education more accessible to all. for all. They aim to provide everyone around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to help lead themselves and their organisations more effectively and make a positive impact.
They offer two products: OutsightX Magazine, which is a bi-monthly magazine which would be delivered to your inbox, and OutsightX Prime, which is a Weekly Newsletter which will arrive to your inbox every Monday Morning.

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