The Academic Committee is happy to announce that we will be conducting an Essay Writing Competition in the following manner:

  1. The 1st and 2nd year batches will be divided into one category (Category 1) and the 3rd, 4th and 5th years will be in a separate category (Category 2).
  2. Category 1 and Category 2 participants will have different topics to choose from. The top 2 entries for each topic in each category will win Rs. 2250 for the first prize and Rs. 1000 for the second.
  3. The deadline for the competition is 23:59 (11:59 PM) on 5th June, 2020 (Friday). This will be a strict deadline. Any submission after the above-mentioned date will be subject to the docking policy as is applicable for project submissions. 
  4. The word limit for the essays should be strictly in the range of 2000-2500 (Excluding footnotes).
  5. Co-authorship will be allowed as long as it is participants within the same category. A maximum of 2 authors can co-author the essay. 
  6. General Guidelines:
    1. New Times Roman, size 12. 
    2. Bluebook citations 20th ed.
    3. 1.5 line spacing.
    4. No speaking citations. 
  7. The topics for Category 1 are:
    1. What are the philosophical justifications and values of criminal law?
    2. Write on the theme of how overdependence on criminal laws for individual independence and institutional and social stability speak poorly about society’s ability to handle human conflicts by other means. 
  8. The topics for Category 2 are:
    1. Corporate Board Diversity: A critical examination of mandatory inclusion of woman directors. 
    2. Unfair Prejudice Remedy and the role of directors. 
  9. Please make your submissions by replying to the thread sent by the Academic Committee dated April 8, 2020.