This section is the backbone of the library that allows all transactions in the library. It employs RFID Technology to speed up the transaction without typing the title or the ID number of the patron. All the patrons including the faculty, administrative staff and students are given a RFID based Identity cards, the production of such card would entitle the availability of all library facilities.
They are four Moot Court Rooms. Moot Court Competitors need to take approval from the faculty Advisor to borrow books as well as availing the facility of Moot Court Room for discussion and preparation. A Patron ID is created for each group. The team is entitled to borrow five books including Reference. For the use of these Rooms students should submit the request in Moot Court Competition Application Forms available in the Library.
No. of Books | Loan Period | Overdue Charges | |
Ph.D / LLM. Ph.D | 7 | 30 days | Rs. 5.00 per day per book |
Post Graduate (Full Time) | 3 | 7 days | Rs.5.00 per day per book |
Under Graduate ( Full Time) | 2 | 7 days | Rs.5.00 per day per book |
Faculty and Research Staff | 25 | Unrestricted | Not Applicable |

Students should produce their Library ID cards for all transactions in the library including the access to networked computers in the library.
Resources (print documents) are issued within the issue limit of the user category.
The user should get the document duly issued at the circulation counter.
The document should be collected in person.
Members of faculty are requested to return all the books before the semester break.
Books from Reference and Special Reference, law reports, current journals, back volumes, BARE acts are frequently referred sources; hence members of faculty may get them issued for overnight only.
Books should be returned on or before the due date mentioned in the due date slip. Students are expected to respond to the notices and reminders sent by the library on regular basis.
Users should replace the books at her/his own cost within 30 days along with fine if any. In case of lost and damaged books, if the user is unable to replace the book, twice or thrice the price of the book will be charged depending upon the title lost along with fine if any.
Note: The above rules are based on information available from library staff.